Protokoll fört vid Datorföreningen Stackens höstmöte, torsdag 26 november 2020 kl. 19.30.
Hereby you, as member of The Computer Club Stacken, are called to the autumn meeting at Thursday November the 26:th, 2020, at 19:30. The event will be held online due to the current covid-19 recommendations. We will upload a meeting link to our website in the near future. Keep an eye at
Protokoll fört vid Stackens vårmöte 2020, torsdagen den 27:e februari klockan 19.30 på Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan i Q24, en sal i närheten av Stackenlokalen.
You are hereby invited to the Stacken spring meeting 2020, Thursday, February 27, at 19:30 at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in a room close to the Stacken club room.