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immediately expired..

Who agrees with me in thinking that this looks odd:

bash# kinit -f leifj
leifj@SU.SE's Password:
bash# klist
Credentials cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0
        Principal: leifj@SU.SE

  Issued           Expires          Principal
Jun  2 17:31:27  >>>Expired<<<    krbtgt/SU.SE@SU.SE
bash# klist -v
Credentials cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0
        Principal: leifj@SU.SE
    Cache version: 4

Server: krbtgt/SU.SE@SU.SE
Ticket etype: des3-cbc-sha1, kvno 1
Auth time:  Jun  2 17:31:27 1999
End time:   Jun  2 17:31:27 1999 (expired)
Ticket flags: forwardable, initial, pre-authenticated
Addresses: IPv4: 

As far as I can tell this solaris 7 box has an accurate clock.
The kdc is on the same host.

Any ideas?

	Cheers Leif