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Re: roken merge

On 13 Aug 2000, Love wrote:

> Derrick J Brashear <shadow@dementia.org> writes:
> > Arla has one libroken. Heimdal has another. I wanted to build Arla, and
> > because I had Heimdal installed, I hated life.
> You'll learn to hate life differently :(
> (Don't we add the -L and -l in the right order to avoid this problem ?)

Apparently not. I don't remember what I had to do to fix the problem,

> I have made changes to getarg too, there is not simple way out of
> this. There are work in the pipe to solve the problem.

Right, I forgot about that. I knew there was something complex, but not
what it was.

> To overall plan is to kick out arla's libroken and replace it with
> heimdal's and keep track of it closer this time (and not make any local
> changes).

well, this at least gets things closer, i guess.

> The libcmd that is include in arla today is not a solution.

to the getarg thing, or as a libcmd?
