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Re: References/Testimonials for Heimdal

On Tue, Feb 24, 2004 at 04:57:23PM -0800, Henry B. Hotz wrote:
> I have an action item from the review of my kaserver to Kerb5 upgrade plan.
> Because of the relative youth of Heimdal I've been asked to find some 
> institutions that are actually using Heimdal in production.  JPL has 
> about 12,000 principals in its database currently.  Almost none of 
> them are service principals, and a relatively large fraction of them 
> are people who have left.
> Obviously there's KTH itself as an example.  I believe their size is 
> comparable to ours.
> Anybody else?

We've been using Heimdal from its very beginning in our national academic
grid enviroment. A few independent realms (and AFS cells), spread above all
country serve cca 2000 principals.
