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Re: rsh, getaddrinfo problems on AIX 5.1

On Fri, 7 May 2004, Johan Danielsson wrote:

> Niklas Edmundsson <nikke@acc.umu.se> writes:
> > What's this supposed to do? I haven't found anything on what should
> > happen when you call getaddrinfo with "0" as service...
> Same as bind with 0 as port.


> > Has anyone else running AIX been bitten by this problem?
> It seems like fucking up getaddrinfo has become an olympic sport, also
> practiced by the people writing the spec itself.

The more contestants the merrier?

Anyhow, has anyone made a fix for it? I suspect the right way is to
add an additional check in cf/broken-getaddrinfo.m4, I could try to
whip up a patch if noone else is up to it.

Does anyone know if this is fixed in 5.2? If not, it's probably
bug-report time...

 Niklas Edmundsson, Admin @ {acc,hpc2n,ing}.umu.se    |   nikke@acc.umu.se
 A clean, neat, desk is a sign of a sick mind.