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Re: FSH compliance.

On Wed, Dec 05, 2007 at 11:23:31AM +0200, Hai Zaar wrote:

> LinuxFromScratch guys once maintained patch to add FHS compliance for
> heimdal. I've ported it to 1.0.1.

The patch is wrong because it just hides the problem instead of fixing
it. The bug is that the code does not honour the --localstatedir=...
option of configure. The real fix would be to use the $localstatedir
value from configure everywhere instead of a hard-coded value. That way
everyone can decide if he wants FHS-compliance or not at configure time.


- Rename lib/hdb/hdb.h to lib/hdb/hdb.h.in
- Replace /var/heimdal with @localstatedir@ in lib/hdb/hdb.h
- Add lib/hdb/hdb.h to the arguments of AC_OUTPUT
- Repeat for the documentation and sample config. files

Oh, and the patch has another bug: it tries to modify generated files,
not just their source. That's a big no-no.


     MTA SZTAKI Computer and Automation Research Institute
                Hungarian Academy of Sciences