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Re: importing an existing base into ldap

Javier Palacios a écrit :
>> 2008-05-23T15:38:48 hdb_store: ldap_add_s: noe@LILLE.FUTURS.INRIA.FR
>> (DN=krb5PrincipalName=noe@LILLE.FUTURS.INRIA.FR,ou=kerberos,dc=futurs,dc=inria,dc=fr-NEW)
>> Server is unwilling to perform: no global superior knowledge
> No idea about the -NEW but another alternative approach. It is so
> obvious that might be not attempted. Just dump your current KDC, setup
> a new heimdal-ldap and restore the principals from the dump.
I sometimes feel stupid...

OK, it works, but it chokes on some principals, by trying to create 
entries without the attribute used in the DN:

kadmin: db_store: ldap_modify_s: 
Naming violation: value of naming attribute 'krb5PrincipalName' is not 
present in entry

Looking at the dump, it seems to be a case issue, as I got a 
HTTP/ovirt2.lille.inria.fr@LILLE.FUTURS.INRIA.FR principal, imported 
correctly, followed by a 
http/ovirt2.lille.inria.fr@LILLE.FUTURS.INRIA.FR one, which triggered
the error.

According to the ldap schema, krb5PrincipalName is case sensitive 
(EQUALITY caseExactIA5Match), so should be the DN also.
Guillaume Rousse
Moyens Informatiques - INRIA Futurs
Tel: 01 69 35 69 62