Matematics and Natural Sciences, Computer Science specialisation
Introductional course in Computer Science 7p
Terminal- and personal computers, textediting, calculus, introduction
to programming, algorithms(searching, sorting, filhandling, et.c),
datastructures, overview of computer logics and internal structure,
internal representation of data, programming methods, overview of different
programming paradigms, modular programming, introduktion to declarative
Languages: Scheme (A Lisp-dialect) and Pascal.
A short introduction to ADA.
Other courses:
Algorithms and datastructures 8p
Algorithms and basic algorithm analysis, programming paradigms,
objektoriented programming, interactive programming environments,
simulation, developing large programs and systems, declarative programming
Languages: Scheme and Simula (Objektoriented language with support
for sequencing and simulation in discrete time steps)
Other courses:
Computer systems and structures 6p
Hardware and low-level software in modern computer systems, the Unix
operating system, the programming language C, computer system
architectures (SPARC, Intel x86, Motorola 68xxx), algoritms for
handling memory, logic circuits, pipelining, cacheing.
Languages: C , sh, csh, tcsh, awk, grep, BNF, EBNF
Database technology 4p
Introduction to database management systems, relational database systems;
modelling and normalising, database query languages (SQL, SAL, QBE, tupel-
and domain calculus, relational algebra), storage- and access methods.
Languages: SQL, SAL, QBE, 4GL
Interactive Graphical User Interfaces 4p
Human-computer interaction, objectoriented programming,
user centrered GUI development, computer graphics,
algorithms four shadowing, cutting, scaling,
ray-tracing, line-detection, window managing,
animation, graphics generation and management, SRGP, SPHIGS, X
Languages: Smalltalk, C
Programdeclarations and declarative programming languages 3p
Funktion-based languages, logic-programming, flow-charts, semantics,
type checking and deriving types, overview over declarative programming
paradigms, attributes and features of declarative programming languages,
constraints, mathematical methods for verifying programs.
Languages: Standard Meta Language (sml), clpr (A Prolog-dialect),
Scheme, C, Haskell, Miranda
Programming projekt 4p
Documentation practices, how to work in a large team developing interactive
programs. Graphical user interface in OSF/Motif1.2-standard for a database
(Oracle) based on a three layered Client-Server communication
Languages: C++, SQL, XMotif 1.2 extensions
Other courses:
Technology history 2p
Combinatorics 5p
Abstract algebra 5p (unfinished)
Computer supported authoring and swedish document writing practices 2p
Computers and Pictures 2p
Rasters, color representation, pattern recognition, graphical
methoder, algorithms for compressing text och pictures, graphical
protocols, document production in the graphics industry, managing
large documents, picture operations. Practice scanning pictures,
rastering and document production on a Macintosh.
Languages: Postscript
Objectoriented database systems 5p
Limits of traditional database structures, the goals of
objectoriented database management systems, extensions to the relational
database model, objectoriented models, data modeling and database
architecture, the transaction concept, objectconstraints, persistent
objects and parallellism, objectoriented query languages, object identity,
temporal problems, data recovery, overview over objectoriented database
management systems.
Languages: O++, C, ODE, Napier
Operating systems 4p
History and overview, process allocation issues, memoryhandling,
filesystem, securitymechanisms, locks, synchronisation, parallell
processes, distributed operating systems,
Case studies; Unix, Amoeba, MS-DOS.
Languages: C
Parallell computer systems 5p
Basic parallell models and concepts, dependancy graphs,
PRAM-models, process models, programming paradigms,
explicit- and implicit parallellism, parallell algorithms, overview
of parallell architectures, experimental architectures,
internal processor interconnection network types and algorithms for choosing
paths, embedding of computational structures, performance measures.
Languages: C, Fortran77, *Lisp, MPI, Linda
Translation techniques 5p
Compilers; architecture and design, grammatics for describing languages,
lexical analysis of character streams, syntactical analysis of language
token streams, semantical analysis, interface to operating systems and
lower level systems, overview over compiler development tools.
Other types of computer supported translation.
Languages: Modula 2, C, BNF, EBNF
Other courses:
Japanese, Basic course 20p
Master Thesis in Computer Science 20p
Definition, design and implementation of a general and reusable
environment simulator for a distributed computer system for
defense/surveillance. Survey of earlier implementations, interviews with
future users, design of a environment simulation system consisting of a
closed LAN and an arbitrary number of personal computers and
workstations running simulators and implementation of communication and
environment simulation software for PC/MSDOS and Sun/Unix.
Languages: C++, C, TurboPascal, TurboAssembler, RPC, XDR,
BSD Sockets
Maintained by Tobias Öbrink