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Re: gss_wrap_size_limit()
After some minor fixes, the issues I'm left with in running the test
suite are:
*FAILING* SAP constraint:
==> SNC INcompatible: data replay protection missing!
*FAILING* SAP constraint:
==> Inconsistent credentials lifetime changes !
TEST: Testing sec_context est.: ini_cred=SIMPLE, acc_cred=GSSNAMED
ERROR: establish_context(): one-sided initiator context lifetime limit: 12207d 09h 14m 14s
ERROR: export_to_file(): Acceptor and Initiator context lifetimes differ
after security context transfer:
initiator context lifetime: 12207d 09h 14m 14s
acceptor context lifetime: Indefinite
ERROR: export_to_file(): Acceptor and Initiator context lifetimes differ
after security context transfer:
initiator context lifetime: 12207d 09h 14m 14s
acceptor context lifetime: Indefinite
*FAILING* SAP constraint:
==> Context lifetime Ini,Acc inconsistent on 52 contexts!
-- Luke
Luke Howard | PADL Software Pty Ltd | www.padl.com