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1. Introduction

Caution: Parts of this package are not yet stable software. If something doesn't work, it's probably because it doesn't. If you don't have backup of your data, take backup.

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1.1 What is Arla?

Arla is a free AFS implementation. Some of the goals are:

This release is known to work on the following platforms: NetBSD, OpenBSD, FreeBSD, Linux, Solaris, Darwin/MacOS X.

Earlier releases are known to work on current or earlier versions of the following platforms: SunOS, AIX, IRIX, Digital UNIX. Some fixes might be necessary to make Arla work.

There is or has been done work to support the following platforms: HPUX, Fujitsu UXP/V. Some development is necessary to make Arla work.

There is work going on to support the following platform: Windows NT/2000. Contributions are very welcome.

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1.2 Status

Arla has the following features (quality varies between stable and not implemented):

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1.3 Bug reports

If you find bugs in this software, make sure it is a genuine bug and not just a part of the code that isn't implemented.

Bug reports should be sent to arla-drinkers@stacken.kth.se. Please include information on what machine and operating system (including version) you are running, what you are trying to do, what happens, what you think should have happened, an example for us to repeat, the output you get when trying the example, and a patch for the problem if you have one. Please make any patches with diff -u or diff -c.

Suggestions, comments and other non bug reports are also welcome.

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1.4 Mailing list

There are two mailing lists with talk about Arla. arla-announce@stacken.kth.se is a low-volume announcement list, while arla-drinkers@stacken.kth.se is for general discussion.

There is also commit list arla-commit@stacken.kth.se. Send a message to LIST-request@stacken.kth.se to subscribe.

The list are achived on http://www.stacken.kth.se/lists/.

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