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2. AFS infrastructure

This is an overview of the AFS infrastructure as viewed from a Transarc perspective, since most people still run Transarc cells.

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2.1 AFS Filespace

AFS filespace is split up in smaller parts called cells. These cells are usually listed under `/afs'. A cell is usually a whole organization or an adminstative unit within an organization. An example is e.kth.se (with the path `/afs/e.kth.se'), that is the department of electrical engineering at KTH, which obviously has the `e.kth.se' domain in DNS. Using DNS domains for cell names is the typical and most convenient way.

Note that cell names are written in lowercase by convention.

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2.2 CellServDB

All cells (and their db-servers) in the AFS world are listed in a file named `CellServDB'. There is a central copy that is maintained by Transarc at `/afs/transarc.com/service/etc/CellServDB'.

In spite of being organized in IPnumber - name pairs, where the name parts resemble comments, both values are used by Transarc software and confusion may arise if they are not synchronized with each other.

>e.kth.se            	# Royal Institute of Technology, Elektro               	#sonen.e.kth.se.                    #anden.e.kth.se.                  #fadern.e.kth.se.

Again, please note that the text after the # in the cell-name is a comment, but the hostnames after the # on the rows of an IP-address is not a comment. The host and the ip-address needs to point at the same computer.

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In addition Arla can use DNS to find the db-servers of a cell. The DNS resource record that is used is the `AFSDB'. The resourcerecord was created by Transarc but have never been implemeted in released software.

`AFSDB' tells you what machines are db servers for a particular cell. The `AFSDB' resourcerecord is also used for DCE/DFS. An example (the 1 means AFS, 2 is used for DCE):

e.kth.se.               IN AFSDB     1 fadern.e.kth.se.
e.kth.se.               IN AFSDB     1 sonen.e.kth.se.
e.kth.se.               IN AFSDB     1 anden.e.kth.se.

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2.4 Shortcut names

Some cells use the abbreviated version `/afs/<word-before-first-dot>' (in the example above that would be `/afs/e/'. This might be convenient when typing them, but is a bad idea, because it does not create the same name space everywhere. If you create a symbolic link to `/afs/e/foo/bar', it will not work for people in other cells.

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2.5 Server organization

There are several servers running in an AFS cell. For performance and redundancy reasons, these servers are often run on different hosts. There is a built in hierarchy within the servers (in two different dimensions).

There is one server that keeps track of the other servers within a host, restart them when they die, make sure they run in the correct order, save their core-files when they crash, and provide an interface for the sysadmin to start/stop/restart the servers. This server is called bos-server (Basic Overseer Server).

Another hierarchy is the one who keeps track of data (volumes, users, passwords, etc) and who is performing the real hard work (serving files) There is the the database server that keeps the database (obviously), and keeps several database copies on different hosts relpicated with Ubik (see below). The fileserver and the client software (like the afsd/arlad, pts and, vos) are pulling meta-data out of the dbserver to find where to find user-privileges and where volumes resides.

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2.6 Basic overseer - boserver

The Bos server is making sure the servers are running. If they crash, it saves the corefile, and starts a new server. It also makes sure that servers/services that are not supposted to run at the same time do not. An example of this is the fileserver/volserver and salvage. It would be devastating if salvage tried to correct data that the fileserver is changing. The salvager is run before the fileserver starts. The administrator can also force a file server to run through salvage again.

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2.7 Ubik

Ubik is a distributed database. It is really a (distributed) flat file that you can perform read/write/lseek operation on. The important property of Ubik is that it provides a way to make sure that updates are done once (transactions), and that the database is kept consistent. It also provides read-only access to the database when there is one (or more) available database-server(s).

This works the following way: A newly booted server sends out a message to all other servers that tells them that it believes that it is the new master server. If the server gets a notice back from an other server that tells it that the other server believes that it (or a third server) is the master, depending on how long it has been masterserver it will switch to the new server. If they can't agree, the one with the lowest ip-address is supposed to win the argument. If the server is a slave it still updates the database to the current version of the database.

A update to the database can only be done if more than half of the servers are available and vote for the master. A update is first propaged to all servers, then after that is done, and if all servers agree with the change, a commit message is sent out from the server, and the update is written to disk and the serial number of the database is increased.

All servers in AFS use Ubik to store their data.

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2.8 Volume Location database server - vlserver

The vldb-server is resposible for the information on what fileserver every volume resides and of what kind of volumes exists on each fileserver.

To confuse you even more there are three types of support for the clients. Basically there is AFS 3.3, 3.4, and 3.6 support. The different interfaces look the same for the system administrator, but there are some important differences.

AFS 3.3 is the classic interface. 3.4 adds the possibility of multihomed servers for the client to talk to, and that introduces the N interface. To deal with multihomed clients AFS 3.5 was introduced. This is called call the U interface. The name is due to how the functions are named.

The N interface added more replication-sites in the database-entry structure. The U interface changed the server and clients in two ways.

When a 3.5 server boot it registers all its ip-addresses. This means that a server can add (or remove) an network interface without rebooting. When registering at the vldb server, the file server presents itself with an UUID, an unique identifier. This UUID will be stored in a file so the UUID keeps constant even when network addresses are changed, added, or removed.

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2.9 Protection server - ptserver

The protection server keeps track of all users and groups. It's used a lot by the file servers. Users can self create, modify and delete groups.

When a fileserver is access they are durring the authentication giving the name of the client. This name if looked up in the protection-database via the protection server that returns the id of the user and all the groups that the user belongs too.

This information is used when to check if the user have access to a particular file or directory. All files created by the user are assigned the user id that the protectionserver returned.

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2.10 Kerberos server - kaserver

The kaserver is a Kerberos server, but in other clothes. There is a new RPC interface to get tickets (tokens) and administer the server. The old Kerberos v4 interface is also implemented, and can be used by ordinary Kerberos v4 clients.

You can replace this server with an Heimdal kdc, since it provides a superset of the functionality.

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2.11 Backup server - buserver

The backup server keeps the backup database that is used when backing up and restoring volumes. The backup server is not used by other servers, only operators.

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2.12 Update server - upserver

With the update server its possible to automagicly update configuration files, server binaries. You keep masters that are supposed to contain the correct copy of all the files and then other servers can fetch them from there.

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2.13 Fileserver and Volume Server - fs and volser

The file server serves data to the clients, keeps track of callbacks, and breaks callbacks when needed. Volser is the administative interface where you add, move, change, and delete volumes from the server.

The volume server and file server are ran at the same time and they sync with each other to make sure that fileserver does not access a volume that volser is about to modify.

Every time a fileserver is started it registers it IP addresses with the vldbserserver using the VL_RegisterAddrs rpc-call. As the unique identifier for itself it uses its afsUUID.

The afsUUID for a fileserver is stored in /usr/afs/local/sysid. This is the reson you must not clone a server w/o removing the sysid file. Otherwise the new filserver will register as the old one and all volumes on the old fileserver are pointed to the new one (where the probably doesn't exist).

The fileserver doesn't bind to a specific interface (read address), gets all packets that are destined for port 7000 (afs-fileserver/udp). All outgoing packets are send on the same socket, and means that your operatingsystem will choose the source-address of the udp datagram.

This have the side-effect that you will have asymmetric routing on mulithomed fileserver for 3.4 (and older) compatible clients if they don't use the closest address when sorting the vldb entry. Arla avoids this problem.

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2.14 Salvage

Salvage is not a real server. It is run before the fileserver and volser are started to make sure the partitions are consistent.

It's imperative that salvager is NOT run at the same time as the fileserver/volser is running.

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2.15 Things that milko does differently.

Fileserver, volumeserver, and salvage are all in one program.

There is no bu nor ka-server. The ka-server is replaced by kth-krb or Heimdal. Heimdal's kdc even implements a ka-server readonly interface, so your users can keep using programs like klog.

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